Wise Memory Optimizer - отличная утилита, для быстрой оптимизации и освобождения оперативной PC RAM (Random Access Memory) увиличивает скорость и производительность компьютера. Wise Memory Optimizer позволяет высвободить память, занятую некоторыми бесполезными приложениями и повысить производительность ПК.
Wise Memory Optimizer helps you free up and tune up the physical memory taken up by some useless applications to enhance PC performance. Wise Memory Optimizer, as automatic and intelligent as other products from WiseCleaner, can execute its tasks in accordance with your settings and the physical truth of your computer. It is really easy to use for both novices and experts alike.
Features: Wise Memory Optimizer is 100% Freeware Able to optimize memory automatically in the background Able to free as much memory as possible according to your settings Inserted a real-time dynamic chart to show your memory status Support of multiple languages Provided online help documents
Тип лицензии: FreeWare ОС: win XP/Vista/Se7en/8/10 Интерфейс: ML + RU Размер: 2.5/2.1 Mb
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